Golang Interview Prep: Interfaces


Interfaces in Go provide a way to specify the behavior of an object: if something can do “this,” it can be used here. They allow for flexible and decoupled designs without the need for inheritance, a cornerstone of Go’s type system.

Understanding Interfaces

An interface in Go is defined as a set of method signatures. A type implements an interface by implementing its methods. There is no explicit declaration of intent; implementation is implicit. This means that if a type provides all the methods specified in an interface, it automatically satisfies the interface.

Defining Interfaces

Interfaces are defined with the interface keyword, followed by a set of method signatures. For example:

type Speaker interface {
    Speak() string

Any type that has a Speak() method returning a string implicitly satisfies the Speaker interface.

Using Interfaces

Interfaces are useful when you want a function to accept any type as long as it satisfies a certain behavior.

func Greet(s Speaker) {

The Greet function can accept any type that implements the Speak method.

Implementing Interfaces

A type satisfies an interface by implementing its methods. There is no implements keyword in Go. Here’s an example:

type Dog struct{}

func (d Dog) Speak() string {
    return "Woof!"

type Robot struct{}

func (r Robot) Speak() string {
    return "Beep Boop"

Both Dog and Robot implicitly satisfy the Speaker interface because they both have a Speak method that returns a string.

Interfaces as Contracts

Interfaces can be thought of as contracts. If a type implements the methods of an interface, it agrees to the contract and can be used wherever that interface is accepted.

Empty Interface

The empty interface interface{} has no methods and is satisfied by any type. It’s used to implement functions that can accept any type, similar to void* in C or Object in Java.

Type Assertions

Type assertions are used to retrieve the concrete type of an interface variable. This is useful when you need to access methods or properties that are beyond what the interface provides.

var s Speaker = Dog{}
if d, ok := s.(Dog); ok {
    fmt.Println("This speaker is actually a Dog:", d)

Interface Values

Interface values hold a value of a specific underlying concrete type. Assigning a value to an interface value makes it store not just the value but also the type of the value. This type information is used to check if the value satisfies a particular interface.

Caveats and Best Practices

  • Designing Interfaces: Interfaces should be designed with the consumer in mind, not the implementer. It’s often better to define smaller, more specific interfaces, sometimes referred to as the interface segregation principle.
  • Nil Interface Values: An interface value that holds no value (nil) is different from an interface value that holds a pointer that happens to be nil. The former has no concrete type, and calling a method on it will cause a runtime panic.
  • Composing Interfaces: Interfaces can be composed of other interfaces using embedding, allowing for flexible and powerful abstractions.

Practical Uses

Interfaces are widely used in standard Go packages. For example, the io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces are simple but powerful abstractions for input/output operations, allowing for function arguments that can work with any data source or destination, from files to network connections.

Understanding and effectively using interfaces is crucial for designing Go applications that are modular, testable, and flexible.