Rust: Ref Usage


rust ref

When using the match expression, the ref keyword allows the match arm to work with a reference instead of moving the variable.

The match Expression

match y {
    Some(ref p) => println!("Co-ordinates are {},{} ", p.x, p.y),
    _ => panic!("no match!"),
  • Here, we use a match expression to handle the different possibilities of the Option value stored in y.

  • Some(ref p): This arm matches when y contains a Some value.

    • ref p creates a reference (&Point) to the Point inside the Some variant. This avoids consuming (moving) the value out of the Option.
    • The code then prints the coordinates of the point using p.x and p.y.
  • _: This is a wildcard pattern that matches any other case (i.e., None).

    • If y is None, this arm executes and panics (abruptly ends the program) with the message “no match!“.

When to Use ref

The primary purpose of ref is to create a reference (&) within a pattern. This is particularly useful in two main scenarios:

  1. Pattern Matching with match, if let, and while let: When you want to match against a value and simultaneously create a reference to that value for further use within the match arm.

    let my_option: Option<i32> = Some(42);
    match my_option {
        Some(ref x) => println!("The value is: {}", x), // x is a reference to the i32 inside Some
        None => println!("No value found."),

    In this example, ref x creates a reference to the i32 value inside the Some variant, allowing you to use x directly without consuming (moving) the value out of the Option.

  2. Destructuring with let: When you want to create references to parts of a structure or tuple.

    struct Person {
        name: String,
        age: u8,
    let person = Person { name: "Alice".to_string(), age: 30 };
    let Person { name: ref name_ref, age: ref age_ref } = person;
    println!("Name: {}, Age: {}", name_ref, age_ref); // name_ref and age_ref are references

    Here, ref name_ref and ref age_ref create references to the name and age fields of the person struct.