Rust: Cargo Watch - Live Reloading Tool


Cargo Watch: Rust’s Live Reloading Tool

cargo watch is a helpful tool that automatically re-runs your project’s tests or build process whenever you make changes to your source code. It essentially provides a live reloading or “watch” functionality for Rust development.


Before you can use cargo watch, you need to install it. You can do this using Cargo, Rust’s package manager:

cargo install cargo-watch

This command will download and install cargo watch from, the official Rust package registry.

How Cargo Watch Leverages Cargo Check

By default, cargo watch uses cargo check as its primary command. This means that whenever you save a file within your project, it’ll instantly run cargo check to see if your code still compiles without actually building the full executable. This is a much faster way to get feedback on your code compared to running cargo build every time.

cargo check vs. cargo build (Revisited)

  • cargo check:

    • Purpose: Checks if your code compiles correctly without generating a binary.
    • Advantages:
      • Extremely fast, providing near-instant feedback.
      • Catches most compilation errors early in the development process.
  • cargo build

    • Purpose: Compiles your Rust code and creates an executable binary.
    • Advantages:
      • Produces a runnable program.
      • Performs a full compilation, including linking and optimizations, which is necessary for deployment or running the application.

Cargo Watch Commands

While cargo check is the default, cargo watch lets you trigger other Cargo commands or even custom shell commands. Here are some common ones:

  • cargo watch -x test: Runs your project’s tests whenever a file changes.
  • cargo watch -x build: Performs a full build (like cargo build).
  • cargo watch -x "clippy && test": Runs Clippy (a linter) and then your tests on each change.
  • cargo watch -x run: Builds and runs your application (useful for seeing immediate output changes).
  • cargo watch -s 'echo "hello"': Executes a custom shell command (in this case, just prints “hello”).

Key Benefits

  • Accelerates Development: The instant feedback loop encourages a more iterative and productive coding style.
  • Catches Errors Early: You’ll spot compilation or test failures right away, helping you fix them while the context is still fresh in your mind.
  • Simplifies Workflow: Eliminates the manual step of running cargo commands repeatedly.

In summary, cargo watch streamlines your Rust development workflow by automating the process of checking or building your code. It significantly speeds up your feedback loop, allowing you to focus on writing and refining your code with confidence.